A symmetric multiprocessor organization has a number of potential advantages over a uniprocessor organization including performance, availability, incremental growth, and scaling.
A symmetric multiprocessor contains two or more identical processors that share a single main memory. Multiple processors can be separate chips or multiple cores on the same chip. Multiprocessors allow more threads to run simultaneously and certain threads to run faster. It's easy to run multiple threads concurrently.
Threads are simply split between processors. Unfortunately, the average PC user needs only a few threads running at a time. Making a particular thread run faster is much more difficult. Programmers must split existing threads into multiple threads running on each processor.
learn more about organization here: brainly.com/question/24448358
A group has the potential to collect more complete information, compared to an individual, while making decisions. An individual uses his own intuition and views. A group has many members, so its many views and many approaches result in better decision-making.
Hope this will help