The term, "mental illness", has a bad reputation. What's the first thing that pops to your head when you hear "mental illness"? It reminds you of someone that is insane, right? Exactly. That term is dodged by most psychotherapists because it can be discouraging and disrespectful to the patient. Their job is to help people, not to make them feel bad about their problems.
There's plenty of research to show that 30 minutes of physical activity a day will help you gain lots of health and fitness benefits. Both guidelines will help improve your health and fitness
Yes they do become impaired
In your heart:
Alcohol acts as a vasodilator and causes the peripheral blood vessels to relax resulting in increased peripheral blood flow and in turn a drop in blood pressure. For the body to keep sufficient blood flow to organs, it increases the heart rate and breathing rate
In the brain:
The alcohol is absorbed in the bloodstream and goes to the nrain where it can cause impaired cognitive function which can cause deterioration in the long term
B, because visual has to to with Vision and she created an image which you see
The single most important risk factor for skin cancer is overexposure to UV radiation which may be natural such as sunlight