Set goals for your future NOW.
Students entering high school often times do not view high school as the next step in life, but rather the next step in school. High school is a spring board to life. If students don't have a plan of attack for life (goal) they will be subject to any and all influences, including negative ones.
All choices that a high school student makes will help to determine the degree of success that they will find. Choices on which courses to take, whether or not to be in a particular social group, use alcohol or other drugs or take a part-time job will all contribute to potential for success or failure.
If a student has a goal set as he / she enters high school, they can reference that goal every time they have to make a decision that has the impact to them significantly. This goal may be college, medical school, owing a private business or assuming a role in the family business or other dreams. Therefore, it is important to know where you are going (goal) so that you'll know what missteps to avoid on the way.