When an individual is designing a personal fitness program he/she requires taking in to consideration the goals, activities and variety.
Further Explanation:
Fitness program is a best way to achieve a good lifestyle. Physical activity help in reducing the risk of heart disease, help in improving coordination and balance. Every physical activity targets different goals for example strength training focusing on muscle endurance. So, every fitness program requires different physical activity.
By making realistic goal helps in checking an individual is progressing. If individual goals are attain then he/she get motivated for the next day. If goals are not satisfactory, it is significant to look for an area that can be better. Then, an individual should change the target for the assessment and plan for that goal. The goal can be checked by fitness test. If an individual achieve their goals he/she should give self-reward.
Individuals who varied in the exercise program with a constant load can easily achieve their goals. Another advantage of changing in the exercise program is that an individual is always motivated. Variety in an exercise program increases individual flexibility and work on every part of a body. It helps in increasing the excitement of an exercise program. It increases physical performance of an individual. So, in fitness program the variety, goal and activity plays a important role and determines the actual progress.
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Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Health
Topic: Fitness program
Fitness program, realistic goal, exercise, muscle endurance, strength training, physical activity, target, variety, good lifestyle.