When you file taxes or fill out tax forms for employment you are able to state how many people you claim in your household. When you claim them, that means you are their provider and they depend on you to provide for them. Out of the choices above: self, family dog, neighbor’s Uncle Fred and dependents. The only two valid claims would be self and dependents. You can claim yourself and the children living in your home. Your dog is not a person, therefore can not be claimed and your neighbors Uncle Fred does not live in your home.
The answer is Sales receipt
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To realize one month of insurance premium revenue
The five main characteristics of a c corporation are:
- limited liability: the owners' liability is determined by the amount of money they invested in purchasing the corporation's stock.
- corporations are owned by stockholders: every single stockholder owns a piece of the corporation, the size of that piece is determined by the amount of stocks.
- double taxation: owners of the corporation suffer from double taxation because first the corporation must pay corporate taxes and then the owners must pay income taxes when they receive dividends.
- corporations are separate entities: corporations exist by themselves, they are born when they are created and die when they are dissolved.
- corporations are professionally managed: the owners elect a board of directors and the board is responsible for hiring professional management.