B) true
The ascertion that of all the new secular subject matter that arose during the Baroque Age, the genre of landscape perhaps most decisively marks a shift in Western thinking; the spiritual is no longer exclusively found in church, but can be found in nature is True.
The Baroque Age is a period where the artistic style was in Vogue and this started around 1600 and run through 1750.
The word Baroque was derived from the Portuguese barroco which can also be refer to as the "oddly shaped Pearl".
This is false!
You should definitely not immediately break as sudden braking, especially with your tie broken could cause you to loose control of your car, which could be quite dangerous.
You should gently slow down and stop, but you should do it slowly and gently, without loosing control.
The limiting factor that can involve a person's feelings about his own weight or ability is : Motivation
in most cases, the only thing that greatly affect the self confidence of an overweight person is their own motivation. Whether it's the motivation to get out from their current state or the motivation to focus on their goals while ignoring other's negative feedback,
hope this helps
Answer:a. shows low resistance to extinction; shows high resistance to extinction
According to psychology, extinction occurs when a conditioned response is slowly eliminated or weakned which over time will result to that behavior being extinct. This means a conditioned behavior is completely eliminated
An example is when you whistle to a dog all the time to come and get food and the dog starts to drool all time at the thought of whistling associated with food , if you gradually start to whistle without carrying the food with you the dog will stop salivating or drooling.
In classical conditioning, when a conditioned stimulus is provided without an unconditioned stimulus the conditioned response eventually get extinct.
Jeremy is not resistant towards getting rid of the gambling behaviour because when he start gambling and is no longer getting paid off he immediately stops so when an unconditioned stimulus is taken away , he stops gambling and if this keeps happening gradually his behavior of gambling will be extinct.
Jessica on the other side continues even when the unconditioned stimulus (being paid off )is taken away she still continues to gamble so she is resistance towards stoping her gambling behavior.
Those with the power in democracy are arguable the individuals who are elected in a representative democracy or those that are in the majority in a strict definition of democracy. They keep their power by remaining in the majority position on issues that are important to them or continuing to be elected. And the role of the individual in a strict democracy is not very important because it is the collective that has greater strength than the individual but an individual can still vote to influence democracy.