It’s true. I don’t know what else to add
I think the best phrase to describe this would be Founder effects. Founder effects occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population. This small population size means that the colony may have; a non-random sample of genes in the original population. Reduced variation from the original population.. According to Bottlenecks and founder effects, genetic drift can cause big losses of genetic variation for small populations.
The discovery of hydrothermal vents changed all that. Vast communities of animals grew big and fast in the depths! Instead of using light to create organic material to live and grow (photosynthesis), microorganisms at the bottom of the food chain at vents used chemicals such as hydrogen sulfide (chemosynthesis).
Good morning!! The purpose of both a dichotomous key and a field guide's purpose is to identify organisms. The only difference between the two is the a dichotomous key just uses descriptions to identify the animal with no pictures, but a field guide uses pictures to identify the organism. Another thing that separates the two is that the dichotomous key gives questions/descriptions that describe the organism, whereas the field guide uses a brief description of the animal. Hope I helped!!
Both use oxygen, both produce energy, both give out carbon dioxide as the result and the overall chemical reactions are the same.
Hope this helps :)