A.And the example with Brad illustrate adverse selection.
B.and the example with Brad illustrate moral hazard.
C. illustrates adverse selection; the example with Brad illustrates moral hazard.
D.illustrates moral hazard; the example with Brad illustrates adverse selection.
Answer:C. Illustrates adverse selection; the example with Brad illustrates moral hazard.
A Moral hazard is a term that is connected with Financial risks, a moral hazard has been described as the risk exposure especially of a financial nature caused by the activities and actions of another partner.
In insurance, it is also known as when a person increases their chances of exposure to risk because the burden arising from the risk is paid for or carried by another partner which may be an insurance company.
Pumps blood through the pulmonary circuit (provides gas exchange) to the lungs and back to the left heart. ... Pumps blood by the systemic circuit to all body tissues and back to the heart.
B the actions are likely to lack planning and ignore consequences