The reason fractions need a common denominator before adding or subtracting is so that the numbers of pieces you are adding/subtracting are all the same size. Note that the numerator of a fraction just tells you how many pieces you have of that size.
Factors can be multiplied together to get the original number.
For example here are the factors of 66.
1 and 66. 2 and 33. 3 and 22. 6 and 11.
1 multiplied by 66 results in the original number 66.
2 multiplied by 33 results in the original number 66.
3 multiplied by 22 results in the original number 66.
<span>6 multiplied by 11 results in the original number 66.</span>
A hand generator it most likely will provide power to perform wok more efficiently.
<h3>A hand generator and a 9v battery</h3>
Generally, A hand generator is a portable device that use energy to do work or increase efficiency of work done.
Therefore,if a 9v battery( a battery is defined as a source of electric power) is attached to a hand generator it most likely will provide power to perform wok more efficiently
For more information on work
It will be 5 cm and use 3.14 to multiply
There would be 8 tigers in the exhibit. Hope this helps.