Answer: pregnancy
Doing your first term up to second month you can expect this to happen.. so goes longer
assessing and planning nursing care requirements
providing pre- and post-operation care
monitoring and administering medication and intravenous infusions
taking patient samples, pulses, temperatures and blood pressures
writing records
supervising junior staff
organising workloads
providing emotional support to patients and relatives
tutoring student nurses
Be patient, Read, Eat healthy, Sleep 8 hours, Stay hydrated, Good hygiene, and just take care of yourself. Hope this helped!
Una ración contiene: Calorías 410 21% Grasa 18g 25% Grasa saturada 3g 17%
Semáforo Nutricional.
Nutrientes Cantidad Diaria Orientativa
Azúcares 90 g
Sal 6 g