True, a vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen.
The fungicide destroys mycorrhizal symbionts.
Mycorrhizal symbionts is the symbiotic association that is present between plants and fungi. Plants provide food materials in the form of sugar to the fungi while fungi fixes phosphorus for the plant that is present in the soil in unavailable form. When fungicide is sprayed, it kills the fungi present in the soil and deficiency of phosphorus occurs in plants.
Depends on the kind of interaction the alleles have with each other.
Dominant, co dominant or incomplete dominant
EIA is a tool that ensures the protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources and ensures a sustainable economic development for any project under construction. ... EIA studies the effect of the surrounding environment on the project as well as the effect of the project on the surrounding environment.
hope it helps