When it comes to deductive reasoning, it is used to reach a logical solution. You start out with the general statement, or hypothesis, and examine all the possibilities so you can reach the final conclusion.
Inductive reasoning is completely opposite - you focus on specific observations, and then make broad generalizations.
So for starts we can go 0.16 x 63 miles = 10.04 so the total for the second plan would be $58 with driving 63 miles. and for the first plan would be 0.12 divided by 3 would be 0.04 so we add them together and we get $58 with driving a 3rd of a mile.
1st plan: $58 with driving a 3rd of a mile.
2nd plan: $58 with driving 63 miles.
3/4 times 2/2 is 6/8
3/4 = 6/8
To find the equivalent fracrion divide or multiply by the smae number to both the denominator and numerator that is equal to one (4/4; 5/5;67/67,etc.)