Nesting & Foraging behavior
Seabirds are generally tertiary consumers and / or marine predators that, in marine foodwebs, occupy the upper trophic level. They are very well adapted to all marine ecosystems and feed on a variety of prey: from micro-crustaceans to fish and cephalopods.
Generally, seabirds are observed performing a nesting behavior, by laying eggs near the shore, and then are found exhibiting foraging behavior -searching and foraging for prey- in both the coastline and pelagic zone, also known as the open sea.
Seabirds exhibit different foraging behaviors, for example, the <u>surface feeding behavior which involves flying along the surface with their beak in the water. Gulls, albatrosses and petrels are examples of surface feeders.</u>
<u>On the other hand, plunge diving involves preying on fast marine organisms by diving into the water during their flight. Pelicans are example of seabirds who engage in this behavior.</u>