Secondary appraisal
Secondary appraisal
Secondary appraisal is the second stage of cognitive theory which illustrate the individual ability and determination to deal with any situation.
when secondary appraisal deal with primary appraisal then it used to analyze emotional reaction toward particular reaction.
The people of the Zhou Dynasty perceived natural disasters to be A) Indicative of their rulers not following the Mandate of Heaven. They believed that if the ruler was not being virtuous and right, that they would be punished. As a result, they often led revolts against the ruler who brought the floods and famine upon them.
- Personality inventories
'Personality Inventories' are described as the kind of questionnaires that the researchers employ to assess the personality traits among the respondents who fill it. It assists them in evaluating the distinct type of personalities possessing different social, behavioral, emotional, cultural, encouraging traits and having varied strengths and defects where they lag behind.
As per the given details, since Raman believes that these traits have been consistent over time irrespective of the variations in the circumstances and they can be mesaured, he would most probably employ these 'personality inventories'(questionnaires) to substantiate his claim. These <u>questionnaires would help him in assessing the validity of his belief by evaluating people's personality traits as filled in by them</u>.
"The poor depended on grains to survive while the wealthy enjoyed game and other exotic dishes" is the best comparison for the food available to the poor versus that which the wealthy enjoyed.
The difference of food consumed by rich and poor depends upon the specific countries but two assumptions are common among all nations that rich consume their food in more pieces and in more fancy manner than poor. Here if we discuss Romans than following could be understood:
- On an average the Rich Romans ate three meals, first meal/breakfast was called the "ientaculum". It was usually eaten around dawn, involve bread and perhaps some fruit.
- The lunch meal was called the "prandium" it was a very small meal, consumed at about 11 AM.
- The "cena" was the major meal of the day it was consumed in the afternoon.
- A porridge name, "puls," was the staple food of the poor. Puls was made by combining ground wheat and water. They might sometimes get some vegetables or fruits to consume with their pulses. Meat was consumed very rarely by them.