The suppression of a film because of the mental and emotional state can make the authority to cut off parts of a theater event that might produce fear and incite any other agende. Not necessarily a good outcome but might be necessary depending on the audience
Answer and Explanation:
The situation is an example of classical conditioning. A new behavior was learned because what used to be a neutral stimulus was associated with an unconditioned stimulus. Let's break it down below to better understand it:
- an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is something that produces a natural reaction in or from us - an unconditioned response (UR). In the given situation, the UCS is the heat. We normally respond to heat by sweating and feeling thirsty. When it is too hot, we may even faint.
- a neutral stimulus (NS) is something that does not necessarily produce a response. In the passage, it is the organ music. We wouldn't normally sweat or faint while listening to organ music.
- Because Jeannette was feeling uncomfortable due to heat while listening to organ music, she ended up associating the two stimuli.
- Now, organ music has become a conditioned stimulus (CS). It now has the power, so to speak. of making her faint even though what originally made her faint was the heat.
- Therefore, fainting is now a conditioned response (CR). Every time Jeanette listens to organ music, she will feel dizzy because of the association explained above.
The correct option is: D. Social commerce
E-commerce or electronic commerce is the process of purchasing and selling various products, transferring information and funds with the use of an electronic network or internet.
Social commerce is a subgroup of electronic commerce, that involves the use of social networks, social media sites or online media to assist online purchasing, selling and marketing of products and services.
Bar graph- this type of graph would be appropriate to display the nual petrol consumption of your father's car.
Option: D
There are number of statistical diagram used for showing distribution, expenditure and other related phenomena of an object. Bar graph is a simple statistical diagram which shows month wise or year wise production or consumption rare of a particular thing. Here, bar graph is used for showing petrol consumption.
Pie chart is used in a type of data where multiple number of object's production or consumption data is involved. Line chart is used to show the increasing rate of any thing year or decade wise. Scatter plot graph is used to show the concentration of object in a particular position.