the answers are in this picture linked with this message
One benefit is that if the whole population can vote, then the whole population will feel included in the country and will want to contribute to it. I
Additionally, if there is a group that is excluded from voting, there might be unrest and conflict because this group could clash with the other groups, demanding these rights.
Finally, the decisions will be more informed and will take into account everyone's opinion, not just selected people's
Other countries have faced inadequate infrastructure and untaught citizens about the market economy. Some countries also didn’t have laws in place to help support a market economy.
They yeeted the tea overboard and into the water and celebrated as the tea spread all throughout the water.
And yes yeet is a word it means to forcefully throw something in a single direction
Answer: E. society's willingness to forego other goods and services, both public and private.
A country's government has to deal with the problem of limited resources all the time. It also has to deal with accountability. This means that the government will need to make decisions on budget allocation based on the preferences of citizens. If a large percentage of citizens want security to be improved at the expense of other goods and services, this is more likely to be implemented.