Otosclerosis is the abnormal growth of bone near the stapes. This abnormal growth of bone around the stapes prevents the sound waves to enter into the oval window and leads to deafness.
There are 3 bones present in the inner ear i.e. malleus, incus, and stapes. The 3 bones coordinate to convert sound waves into the mechanical wave and transmit to the oval window, then cochlea.
Due to otosclerosis, there would be a blockage in the middle ear and thus an individual can't hear.
To cure this problem stapedectomy has done by surgery. In this process, stape has removed and the diseased bone is removed. In this place, a prosthetic device would insert to allow the sound waves to the inner ear. Sometimes this surgery is not successful. In many cases properly fitted hearing aid will help people of otosclerosis.
In the stapedectomy surgery, surgeons try to remove the ill-fitted bones of stape and insert another substitute for stape bone which can move and helps in creating the vibration of sound waves in the oval window. So that the individual can hear.
Otosclerosis is more common in women than a man. It is also genetic.