In this example, the lateral extensions that developed were meant for thermoregulation.
But these became sufficiently large to support gliding through the air and later on were used for flight.
Thus the structure assumed a function for which it was not meant and its original function shifted to a completely different dimension giving rise to modern insect wings. So we can say that this is an example of Exaptation.
shifting farming
this process of farming doesn't allow the forest regenerate ergo destroys it ..
This happens because of our immune system. Our immune system keep record of every attacking microbe. It contains two type of while blood cells firstly is T cell that respond quickly to the attacking microbe. While secondly B cells that recognize those specific cells and fights them off. In addition to that B cells clones itself as memory cells for that disease and will remains in your body for years
E2F transcription factors
The E2F transcription factors (TFs) encode intracellular factors associated with the control of the cell cycle. E2F are TFs that bind to promoter consensus sequences in order to activate transcription. These TFs control the expression of target genes involved in cell proliferation including, among others, genes for DNA replication and mitotic activation. Moreover, the E2F proteins also may act as a link between cell fate and the cell cycle. The retinoblastoma (Rb) is a protein that modulates the activity of the E2F family of TFs, and it has been shown that the Rb/E2F pathway is a key molecular mechanism associated with cell proliferation.
To prevent cancer, over exposure to radiation