Weather occurs in the troposphere.
This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, where turbulence in planes can occur and where clouds will typically form. This determines our weather activity in the atmosphere.
Hyperthyroidism (over producing thyroid gland) and hypothyroidism (under producing thyroid gland).
The sun has little or nothing to do with any of these answers except A. The sun gives plants energy, plants give animals energy, and animals give us energy. (Unless you're vegetarian in which case you skip the animal part)
Carbon dioxide is a gas which is released in the atmosphere as greenhouse gas, burning of fossil fuel, released in respiration process. Rise in the levels of carbon dioxide and other gases has resulted in increase in global temperatures. Increase in carbon dioxide and temperatures are responsible for weather fluctuations and global warming.
Weather fluctuation means untolerated heat and lack of precipitation or rain. Weather fluctuations will affect seasons. Seasons are necessary for maintaining the life cycle of organisms. Inappropriate seasons due to climatic change will affect the life of living organisms.
Global warming is an issue which is mainly due to release of hot heat trapping gases from green house and other sources, increasing the atmospheric temperature. This will result in melting of ice from glaciers in world. The inhabiting animals living in the glaciers will suffer a lot from this as they cannot tolerate warm climatic conditions.