<span>there playing at the park and an old man yells there's a bull and you and your friends run and you find a playground and climb up a slide and stay there but it breaks and you climb over a gate and run to the police and they take care of it. I hope this help you</span>
B. and E.
Women, never got treated like
they never were aloud to work, their duties were in their household
some women became activist
women, never had a voice in their house
Hope that helps!
There are name form of communication but it is obvious some are more effective then others, the reason magazinne become very effective is because they provide tons of visuals to communicate, visuals are the closest thing that come to real life, simple visuals that sample various factors in real life like for example people can be expressed though magazines with easy access in a way where another form of communication may not. magazings have a unique way of sharing an Idea in is both captivating and informative, and the attiblute that allow this are the visuals, text, and the why the whole theing is organized, magazines and crefully layed out speciically to serve the purpous if being captiveting wile also being informative, there are many povesssional that work to make this happen and the process is very lengthy but the effectivenesso of the magazinge prjects seems to be worth it as more and more magazinges are being published especial in the virtual form.
hope this helps :)
Usually when I'm feeling any certain way I would try to make myself more relaxed such as coloring a coloring book with an even bigger picture to make myself more calm. I also like to have a personal journal so I can write down the way that i feel without taking out my emotions onto other people. When I am down or mad I would'nt ball up my feelings because that would make me feel even worse so to make myself feel better i would go outside to get fresh air and to clear off my mind from whats going on. If it was a person who made me feel these ways I would confront them about it as soon as I feel better and still not in a bad mood because if i came to them in a bad mood it would make the situation even worse, to prevent it from happening I would first calm myself down by forgiving them instead or just saying "Oh i really truly hate that person with all my life" because that would makeyou even more mad.
may i get brainliest and sorry if i spelled something wrong