Selection hypothesis
This approach positing that the gang does not actually influence a person's involvement in crime. Instead, gang membership is seen as just another manifestation of a person's underlying criminal propensity.A number of studies have found a statistically significant link between prior delinquency and gang membership with gang members typically exhibiting more delinquent behavior in the years leading up to their gang involvement than non-gang youth.
the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan in 1915
Southern Jews’ fear of being falsely
the elimination of minorities’ civil rights
The oldest maps were made by hand of course, and were based on fairly crude measurements of paces, strides and the like and directions only loosely related to NEWS. Clocks helped (as with navigation, latitude could be estimated by seeing what stars were above the horizon (or how high the sun seemed at its zenith), but longitude needed to know when they were seen).
Modern maps have the extraordinary advantage of precise locations of points, and even the benefit of direct overhead observation, and are no longer hand drawn.