The way plates move, geologists identified three types of boundaries. • A. (dih-<span>VUR-juhnt) occurs ... at divergent bound- aries in the ocean and on </span>land<span>. .... Like the sea floor, </span>continents<span> also spread </span>apart at a divergent boundary<span>. The boundary ...</span>
<span>A low white blood cell count usually is caused by: Viral infections that temporarily disrupt the work of bone marrow. Certain disorders present at birth (congenital) that involve diminished bone marrow function. Cancer (or other diseases that damage bone marrow)</span>
Transgenic organism are the genetically modified organisms on their molecular level by altering their gene to improve the particular quality that is related to the particular gene in the organisms. It can be perform in bacteria, plants and animals, the produced organisms called transgenic organisms. The beneficial applications of such organism are given as follows:
Transgenic bacteria: these bacteria are first organisms to be genetically modified and used for several functions such as human proteins, producing material plastics and many more.
Transgenic plants: such genetically modified plants can be used to enhance food quality and quantity, to make pest resistant breed and increase the extreme condition tolerance and many more.
Transgenic animals: they are used to improve the quality of food supply, improve medicines and research purposes and many more applications.
organelles such as nuclei, mitochondria or chloroplast
Because technically there is no such thing as cold
all that exists is heat
this is because heat is the rapid movement of particles, made by friction (to understand why you must delve into physics and some chemistry)
so, when you feel cold, it's really the absence of heat
so instead of "keeping the cold out", which makes no sense at all scientifically, insulation keeps the heat in.
as a side note
the feeling of cold is produced when you come in contact with an object (yes, air counts) that has less heat, or energy, than you do, You feel cold because heat (energy) from your body is being transferred to the environment. This ABSENCE OF HEAT in your body is why you feel cold