Choice B
"Permeable" means "Letting solids or liquids through (a material.)" "Semi" means "half or partly." So "semipermeable" means allowing some objects through, but not all.
Errors during Replication. DNA replication is a highly accurate process, but mistakes can occasionally occur as when a DNA polymerase inserts a wrong base. Uncorrected mistakes may sometimes lead to serious consequences, such as cancer. Mutations: In this interactive, you can “edit” a DNA strand and cause a mutation.
A all cells have the same number of chromosomes hope this helps!! and C
Roots and stems
Explanation: the cork of mature roots and woody stems is perforatedby nonsuberized pores called lenticels.
Además de la argiria y la argirosis, la exposición a compuestos de plata solubles puede producir otros efectos tóxicos, como daño hepático y renal, irritación de los ojos, piel, tracto respiratorio e intestinal y cambios en las células sanguíneas. La plata metálica parece representar un riesgo mínimo para la salud.
espero que esto ayude