This is from the act site I googled "act approved calculators list" and clicked on the link
any calculator that can't do algebra is good so scientific or four function calculators (the cheap ones) are good some graphing calculators are banned
it's easier to find te ones that are banned TI-89 and higher is not allowed TI-Nspire CAS is banned calculators that have "computer algebra system functionality" are banned (you can't use a calculator that can solve for x for you) calculators can't have QUERTY keyboard layout calculators can't have pen input
can't use Hewlett-Packard Prime, or Hewlett-Packard48Gll or any Hewlett-Packard with model number beginning with HP40G, HP49G, or HP50G
you can't use these casio calculators <span>fx-CP400 (ClassPad 400)ClassPad 300ClassPad 330Algebra fx 2.0<span>All model numbers that begin with CFX-9970G
make sure you bring extra bateries and know how to use your calculator make sure it doesn't make noises or distract other people as well </span></span>