only one absolute moral rule:
the principle of utility
The principle of utility holds that actions or behaviors are morally right or wrong depending on if they promote happiness or pleasure.
They opine that an action is wrong if it brings displeasure and unhappiness and are against absolute moral codes that classify specific actions or behaviors as right or wrong. Utilitarians therefore believe that pain or pleasure can be objectively measured and quantified.
Europe has a big number of immigrants, so I would say: most probably all of the religions of the World are represented in Europe to some extent.
On a country level, Christianity (both catholicism and protestantism, in the east also the Orthodox Church) is the main religion, and until WW2 Judaism was also very prominent. Now Islam is growing in numbers, due to the immigration.
Albania and Bosnia are predominantly Muslim.
Pretty sure you just call this either a <em>government agency</em> or a building department.
Sorry, the question did not show the options for some reason. it is definately Option D though.
Because there is a difficulty in quantifying, putting in numbers, the value of community and cooperative organizations. So the conclusion is simple: If you can not quantify you can not measure and if there is difficulty in quantifying, there is the same difficulty in measuring.
Answer: India is the most important influnces on civilizations