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Donn Parker Of SRI is the father of computer ethics.</h3>
Donn Parker of SRI, who is credited with being the "father of computer ethics" due to his interest during the 1960's with ethical concerns related to the newly emerging information technologies, defines computer ethics as the application of classical ethical prin- ciples to the use of computer technology
ofstream asia("asiasales2009.txt"); //It is used to open asiasales2009.txt files with the asia objects.
ofstream europe("europesales2009.txt"); //It is used to open europesales2009.txt files with the europe objects.
ofstream africa("africasales2009.txt");
//It is used to open africasales2009.txt files with the africa objects.
ofstream latin("latinamericasales2009.txt");//It is used to open latinamericasales2009.txt files with the latin objects.
- The above code is written in the c++ language which is used to open the specified files with the specified objects by the help of ofstream class as described in the question-statements.
- The ofstream is used to open the file in the c++ programing language, so when a user wants to use the ofstream to open the file in written mode, then he needs to follow the below syntax--
ofstream object("file_name_with_extension");
QR codes were created to make a way for people to easily scan codes to get to a website. So you could scan (example) a movie poster to go to the website that has advertisements and tickets.