it happens when the uv radiaiton of sunlight breaks apart the oxygen containg molecules.
In parasitism, one organism harms another organism (the host). An example would be fleas living in cats/dogs; they feed on their blood.
Therefore the answer is A is harmed, and B is helped.
Answer & explanation:
Amylase is part of enzymes, a group of large peptide molecules (formed by amino acids) whose role is to catalyze reactions in order to facilitate the synthesis of other biological molecules.
Amylase is found mainly in saliva (in the form of salivary amylase, or ptialin), acting in the breakdown of starch and glycogen in foods, reducing them to smaller particles, facilitating their digestion and absorption.
The action of enzymes depends on certain specific conditions, called optimal conditions. In the case of <u>amylase</u>, it depends on an optimum pH of 7 (neutral) and an optimum temperature of approximately 37 ° C.
This enzyme can still act between 35 ° C and 40 ° C, but below 35 ° C it is inactivated, preventing its functions from being performed, and above 40 ° C it suffers denaturation, causing changes in its structures.
Thus, it is concluded that the <u>temperature</u> (under optimal conditions) is important for enzymes because it keeps their actions and structures in proper operation.
❤️Hello!❤️ In my opinion, i'm against GMO's. First of all you need to understand what GMO stands for, GMO means (Genetically Modified Organisms) and does that REALLY sound appealing to eat (Be honest). So now we have that covered i'm going to tell you some reasons why YOU should avoid Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's). First of all GMO's are unhealthy, according to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Second of all, GMO's contaminate forever. GMO's cross pollinate and their seeds can travel. It is impossible to fully clean up our contaminated gene pool. Self propagating GMO pollution will outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste. The impact is huge, threatening the health of future generations. Third of all, GMO's increase herbicide use, most GMO crops are engineered to be “Herbicide tolerant”―they deadly weed killer. Monsanto, for example, sells Roundup Ready crops, designed to survive applications of their Roundup herbicide. Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMO's. Overuse of Roundup results in “superweeds,” resistant to the herbicide. This is causing farmers to use even more toxic herbicides every year. ♒️ Hope this helps!♒️ ↪️ Autumn ↩️
See the answer below
For each heterozygous parent with the genotype BbRr, the possible gametes are: BR, Br, bR, and br. A set of these gametes from one of the parents will be lined up along the top of the Punnet's square while another set from the other parent will be lined up along the side of the square.
The result is shown in the attached image.