For centuries the guideline for business transactions was the Latin term “caveat emptor” (let the buyer beware). This principle suggests that the seller is not responsible for the buyer’s welfare. In other words such principle gives the buyer the sole responsibility for checking the quality and suitability of the goods that he is buying from the seller before making a final purchase.
b. the Federal Reserve System.
Initial margin refers to the deposit made by an investor with a broker, in order to open a margin account. The purpose of initial margin is security and collateral to ensure enough availability of cash in the trading account of the investor.
For instance an investor wants to purchase 4000 shares priced at 15$. In this case, he is supposed to deposit 50% of $60,000 i.e $30,000. The remaining $30,000 is contributed by the brokerage firm, regarded as borrowings on which the investor pays interest.
The initial margin limit is fixed by the Federal Reserve System.
Concerns exist about supplier capacity for future volume.
The multisourcing is a method in which the supplier base is expanded increasing the actual number of suppliers, because the needs of the company are increasing.
-Alternative sources of materials in case of delivery stoppage by a supplier.
-Reduced probability of bottlenecks due to insufficient production capacity to meet peak demand.
- Increased competition mong suppliers leads to better quality, price, delivery, product innovation and buyer´s negociation power.
-More flexibility to reat to unexpected events that could endanger supplier´s capacity.
-Reduced efforts by supplier to match buyer´s requirements.
-Higher cost for the purchasing organization (greater number of orders, telephone calls, records, and so on).
Answer: A title and a hooking intro.
Explanation: For any writing no matter what it is you must always have a title and a good thesis/hook. If you do not have that it will be a very weak personal finance paper. Any paper you wrote or will write, would be bad without these topics. I hope that this is helpful to you. Have a good weekend!