The sky condition describes the predominant/average sky cover based on percent of the sky covered by opaque (not transparent) clouds.
Townships are underdeveloped segregated towns.
People are able to go to school and learn how to read
Un ciudadano global es alguien que conoce y comprende el mundo en general, y su lugar en él. Asumen un papel activo en su comunidad y trabajan con otros para hacer que nuestro planeta sea más pacífico, sostenible y más justo.
Usé la web para encontrar esta respuesta, así que condiméntela con sus propias palabras.
Check Explanation(Last paragraph).
For the record, Civil Engineers that are workers of government are known as city Engineers. The Government are usually governments presiding over cities. These city Governments will give the civil engineers work to execute for instance building bridges, road and many more.
One of their other roles that is city Engineers is that of what is given in the question that is they build plans to avoid environmental hazards("contingency planning for another major flood'').
So, to answer the question, my response to the council will be;
'' please, let us prepare better for future disasters. Let us learn from this flood disaster. There can be another disaster that will be worse than this so we need to prepare, anything can happen be it tsunami or tectonic shift''.