Hi there!
The principle of SOCIAL CONFORMITY.
It showed that people tend to engage behaviours more likely in confirmation of the society at large.
The interesting question is when everybody is thinking about confirming then who decide what behavior to engage in, from the start? That is if we are supposed to DRINK in a Social gathering when all are drinking. Then who thought that Drinking is to be done by all, or who sets the social norm and how is the degree of strictness understood and enforced?
is it something we just think and that the norms doesn't actually exist?
Some food for thought!
hope it make sense!
The group's performance is likely to be low because the group fails to change dysfunctional norms, when there is high conformity and low deviance in a group.
High-status deviance has such actions as making fewer contributions to task performance or exercising less influence in the group's discussion.
A. God sent many plaques to Egypt
C. Johnson was found not guilty and continued to serve in office.
During the trial 35 senators voted guilty and 19 not guilty. This was not enough to fulfill the 2/3 majoirty guilty vote.