AAA Area Agency on Aging
AAALF American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness
AAC Area Advisory Committee
AAH American Association of Homecare
AAHP American Association of Health Plans [Direct Link]
AAHSA American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
AAIDD American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
AAMC Association of American Medical College
Tears are made up of lipid, water, and mucus. tears can't exactly be stopped since it is a natural physical and emotional reaction. But, it can be slightly prevented by keeping a neutral face, controlling your breathing, and focusing on other things.
You can easily get kidnapped when going up to peoples doors or another can run up and take you. think about it, millions of people you can see in the dark running around and your alone! :) hope this helped
Answer: <u>Slightly fewer than 4 million babies are born every year. </u></h3><h3><u /></h3>
Explanation: Total fertility rate is an estimate of the average number of births a group of women have over their lifetime.