Find common denominators. Note that what you multiply to the denominator (bottom number of the fraction), you must also multiply to the numerator (top number of the fraction).
In this case, you are multiply 10 to both the numerator and denominator, as:
Since the fractions are equivalent to each other, they must have the same simplified value. It means they can be multiple or divisor of each other.
Here, we have to find the numerator of the second fraction for which we have to multiply with the same number with which we multiplied the denominator.
➝ 10 × 10 = 100
The denominator was multiplied with 10, So the numerator will be multiplied with 10 too.
well, this answer is considered unavailable equals. this means the question is being asked wrong. none of the answers are correct as there is no way to make an available answer from the statement.