Town lifestyle (I assume you mean by this: a settled lifestyle , so that it contrasts with the nomadic lifestyle) comes with more security: you can store your food reserves and plan for the future.
nomadic lifestyle gives you more flexibility but less security: you can travel elsewhere if your fodosource is runnign low... but usually this is not as good of a food source as a settled lifestyle. One other possible advantage could be being merchants: nomads can benefit from a trade.
French Canada, Spanish Florida, and all territory east of the Mississippi River, except for New Orleans
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Weather patterns are a common cause in barometric pressure drops. When low-pressure weather systems move in over a certain area, not only is pressure in the atmosphere shifted, but it causes the barometric pressure reading to drop. A low-pressure system indicates that low-pressure air rises and begins to cool.
Comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another. Even if one country has an absolute advantage in producing all goods, different countries could still have different comparative advantages