"No Man's Land" was a popular term during the First World War to describe the area between opposing armies and trench lines.
If you don't worry about having a positive attitude toward them you wouldn't be tolerant if there were a mishappening. If you overlook their performance or don't call attention to problems when things are going poorly, you will not help them and you could be also part of the problems you are avoiding.
J Kagan
According to Kagan, :
temperament refers to stable behavioral and emotional reactions that appear early and are influenced in part by genetic constitution.
—Thus as Kagan's developmental psychologist hypothesis implies, a temperament of society refers to consistent patterns in behavior that have a biological basis, relatively independent of ambient factors like learning, systems of established values , context, and other preexisting elements.
He studied babies in Guatemala, and after taking in consideration cultural , and biological factors he argues:
The characteristics mentioned can influence later the behavior of the infants depending on how they engage with environment, but Kagan thinks that still a stable behavior based only in one cause is difficult since environment is always changing , and genes also are changing in response to these dynamics.
He wrote Mein Kampf
He was appointed chancellor of Germany
He built up the army in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles.
He retook the Rhineland.