The everlasting question, cats or dogs. Some favor one over the other; like them both or don’t like either of them. I personally prefer cats for many reasons. They have a lot of personalities, they are more independent and their owner’s health benefits from them.
In my opinion, cats have more personality than dogs because they don’t follow your every command. If they want to knock a cup over they’ll do it regardless of you telling them not to. If they don’t want to do something you can’t force them to do it.
Secondly, cats are more independent than dogs because you don’t have to take them for walks to keep them healthy. Cats can also use the bathroom by themselves rather than having to be let out as dogs do.
Lastly, humans health benefit from having a cat. They reduce stress, help the immune system, lower risk of heart disease and many more.
For these reasons, cats are the superior animal of the two.
Good luck!!
I am pretty sure that themes on which William Folkner focuses and takes as a basis of his masterpieces are definitely : love, honor, compassion, and sacrifice. First of all, there is a prompt in question that is put in quotation marks. Love and compassion are the points which always were in need for people's relationships and honor with sacrifice, as told by Folkner in many of his works, are connected to more global sphere of demand - they are universal issues.
bc he went before them and it was before the events happened at the bridge
Darling, this is about you. You need to write something that happened to YOU. There's no way people on here can do this assignment for you or even try to help when it's this simple. I'm sorry, but don't you have anything you can reflect over? A homeless person, a friend who's parents were or weren't together? Just take some time and think about it.