Cell Division
Cells reproduce by the process of CELL DIVISION, which is the formation of an increased number of cells from a single parent cell. Mitosis is the type of cell division used for the multiplication of cells as it involves the synthesis of two identical number of daughter cells from a single parent cell.
However, certain drugs that may prevent the unregulated reproduction of cells is trying to directly affect the process of cellular division in that cell. This is because cell division is the way through which cells reproduce themselves.
I believe that the most logical explanation for this is that the right primary bronchus is wider than the left one (and the right lung is larger than the left lung), therefore the right lung receives slightly more carcinogenic cigarette smoke with each puff. In lung cancer. the cancer cells usually arise from the epithelium lining of large bronchus.
They are made from igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock.
The units of genetic distance derived from bacterial conjugation studies are called minutes. Bacterial conjugation is the process by which a bacterium transfers genetic materials to another through direct contact. One bacterium serves as a donor of the genetic material and the other serves as the recipient.