Derecho a la Libertad. La libertad es un derecho sagrado e imprescriptible que todos los seres humanos poseen. La libertad es la facultad de obrar según su voluntad, respetando la ley y el derecho ajeno.
El derecho a la igualdad significa que todo ser humano, desde su nacimiento, debe ser reconocido como igual ante la ley, por parte de los Estados1. Esto implica que todos los seres humanos pueden disfrutar de todos los derechos sin que haya lugar a distinción alguna por motivos de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición.2
I believe the answer is: <span>envisioning goals
According to Gardner, </span><span>envisioning goals refers to situating yourself in an ideal scenario to determine the things that you need to realize your goals.
It is necessary in this process to calculate all possible factors that could influence the outcome of your goals</span>
a money-related award given by the federal, state or local government to fund some type of project that is beneficial
Ok.. what are the rail roads used for? Trains.
1. they were faster
2. moved on land
3. and carried more passengers
Answer: C. the proposal that the Nebraska Territory would decide for itself whether to allow slavery.
The concept of popular sovereignty states that only the residents of the territory can choose whether or not slavery is allowed.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), proposed by Stephen A. Douglas, stated popular sovereignty to recognize the settlers´ right to make that decision within the new state. This act raised rather than reduced sectional conflicts, leading to Bleeding Kansas, a period of violence foregoing the American Civil War.