Polymerase chain reaction machine
Petri dishes
Test tubes
DNA Polymerase
Free nucleotides
The organism to be identified
To identify the genetic makeup of an unknown organism, the nucleotide sequences fond in the Deoxyribonucleotide (DNA) of a known organism is matched to the DNA of some known organisms. If there is a certain degree of sameness in most of the matched parts, then the unknown organism can be said to be related to the known organism. This is a comparative study.
To carry out this identification, items used include; primers, the PCR machine, test tubes, DNA polymerase, free nucleotides, etc.
The inside surface area is shaped in a crescent. It consists of a spiral valve which is made up of the small intestine. Although the dogfish shark has a relatively short small intestine compared to other animals, therefore, the spiral valve allows for a more compact form of the small intestine.
Hence, this structure provides maximum surface area over a relatively short distance in order to make the absorption of nutrients efficient achieved from the food, the sharks had from eating different sea animals.
Organism, population, community (first choice)
I hope this helped out, have a nice day! :)
The metabolic capacities should be:
Bacteria that fulfill replicative cycles, have a metabolization that requires a substrate or a metabolite, coexist in extreme environments where their method of survival is sporulation.
Ability to admit genetic mutations between different bacterial colonies for their possible evolution, an ideal environment with pH, gases, and substrates according to the life of the bacterial colony, which is often called as a culture medium.
Temperature is essential in bacterial growth, as is the pressure and environment that surrounds the bacteria.
Something that must be taken into account is that other microorganisms coexist with the bacteria in the medium, since they can be limited to their colonization, an example of this is the gram negative and positive bacteria, coccoid and bacilloid, which generally are not compatible with the penicillium fungus, as this, as a product of its metabolization, releases a substance called penicillin that prevents the colonizing growth of other species of microorganisms such as this type of bacteria.