The reason is that Haptics is the study of nonverbal communication that talks about the ways the people interact by touching each other. In this scenario the nonverbal behavior of people by touching the babies of dysfunctional family is reffered to as Haptics because it talks about the communication of people by touching the people.
Although it is a fast and practical way to eat, in addition to being everywhere, the consumption of fast foods is not good for the body, because they are devoid of basic nutrients for the functioning of the body and have a very high content of saturated fats, sodium and sugars in their composition, leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and / or insulin resistance, hypertension and obesity (metabolic syndrome).
For this reason, I believe that fast food restaurants contribute to the ills of society and that it is necessary to keep the focus on these restaurants, seeking information to alert the population about the possible ills that this type of food can cause if consumed frequently .
I have never worked in a job like a fast food restaurant, but I believe that in this type of job people will learn to act quickly, with organization and precision, because fast food restaurants require employees with great skill, dedication, cleverness and organization.
hahahahahahahah i dont get it
164 pts
omg you're 1st in the daily board!!