Matter is anything with mass and weight and volume. anything that occupies space
Social deviancy. Deviance is one of the characteristics of abnormal behavior which is based on the current adaptive norms of the society. Society then becomes the criteria to behavior is based. Thank you for your question. Please don't hesitate to ask in Brainly your queries.
The sun may appear to be the largest star in the sky but that's just because it's the closest. The largest known star in the universe is UY Scuti, a hypergiant with a radius around 1,700 times larger than the sun.
So, False.
Stress refers to the physical and mental reaction to a challenge or demand and it makes an individual feel anger, nervousness, and frustration. Human beings were prone to stress and it plays an important part in our daily functioning. While sometimes it helps people to avoid danger on the other hand prolonged stress could be life-threatening. There are two types of stress acute which remain for a short time and chronic which last longer and potential for many health problems.