Matching hypothesis is the idea that you are more likely to make friends or be attracted to someone who is on a similar level of attractiveness as you. So, a extremely attractive person is going to be attracted to others that are extremely attractive. A average looking person will be more attracted emotionally and/or romantically with another average looking person.
To start with, I've seen Samantha and Samandhi. And Samadhi Sutta, which interestingly discusses tranquillity and insight ( samatha and vipassana ).
There's another sutta which says that samatha and vipassana are paired qualities - samatha gets rid of passion, vipassana gets rid of delusion ( I'll see if I can find it ). Note that samatha is a quality, not a method.
This really just depends on how good you understand ancient Egypt, but if you can give examples of your knowledge of ancient Egypt but if you having trouble thinking of the word that describes it just ask your self if your good or don't have much trouble doing or understanding it.
I believe the answer is: <span>social learning theory
</span><span>social learning theory refers to the characteristics that people adopt by observing,modelling, or imitating the behavior of other members in a social group. In the scenario above, the reason why the child is using the bad language is because he observe and imitate the speaking habit of his father</span><span />
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848, ended the Mexican-American War in favor of the United States. Mexico also gave up all claims to Texas and recognized the Rio Grande as America's southern boundary.
Hope this helps!! :))