Option B
The argument of moral reformer can be understood by using an example. If S would be a moral reformer, she is someone who believes that some aspects of her personal society's ethical compass are erroneous; she believes that behaviors that the code declares to be immoral are actually acceptable, or conversely.
Thus, both the moral reformers and relativism implies that there is not one correct actions but many as per the perspective of different doers.
Single-blind procedure.
Single-blind trials occur when participants are consciously unaware of either the assigned group or important information about the material being evaluated, and the experimenter is aware of this knowledge. ..
Even in a double-blind experiment, participants do not know whether they belong to the experimental group or the control group. How to examine people with psychological help from a psychologist.
Listen to the pronunciation. (BLINE-did STUH-dee) A type of study in which the patient (single-blind) or the patient and her doctor (double-blind) do not know which drug or treatment is being administered. The opposite of an open-label trial is an open-label trial.
Learn more about single-blind at
Fellow citizens how many people in the world we can say that in the search of gold and riches become poor and how many men lose everything in the look for money and luxury. Take a look to the great discoveries in the world and you will see many people blind by their ambitions and unable to enjoy part of their treasures. We have to stop our search for gold since gold can't be eaten and we need to focus on working for food. We have this immense land and the only way to make it produce is hard work. Instead of looking for treasures we must focus on working for food which is essential to survive.
I arrived recently and this is something completely new, the views are spectacular. The weather is nice now, but I don't know how it is going to be in the future. People told me many things about the Indian in England but I haven't seen a single one so far. People in England also told me that they will appear one day to destroy everything but I tend to think that this is a place where peace will prevail. I'm working really hard on this land. I want it to become the first farm in Jamestown. I feel very lonely here since I am the first settler but I brought two cows and two horses,. they are my closest friends. I talk to them early in the morning and they don't answer anything at least nobody contradicts me. How are you in England? If things become more boring in England, come to help me. I think you will enjoy it. The good thing about being here is that nobody tells you what to believe.
High start-up cost. Trust me I took this test and it was right
Where are the statements? Id like to help but there arent any statements :)