B) Convulsions
There are different kind of depressants for diverse mental illnesses (like barbiturates or benzodiazepines as examples) it´s known that influence in a positive manner for the psychological <em>¨disease¨</em>, however there are many secondary effects that are harmful to the patient, like confusion, fatigue and one of the most dangerous ones, the addiction, and dependence.
When the patient leaves behind these substances, and the withdrawal process starts may experience intense symptoms, like <em>anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations, seizures</em>, and <em>convulsions</em> all this due to the dependence generated by the intense effects of the depressants.
Some good examples can be glass, metal, bone, and plastic.
Between 5-8% of body water loss
Mild dehydration, naturally occurs from 3%, at this point most people can manage and cope with it, and its relatively easy to recover from. From 5% decrease, fatigue and dizziness creeps in, which are good factors for heat cramps and heat exhaustion. Finally, any loss above 10% is regarded as sever, exceeding 15% can lead to death.
Hi !
Which condition is described by extreme eating followed by the purging of food
<em>- bulimia</em>