In biochemistry, aligand is a substance that forms a complex with a biomolecule to serve abiological purpose. In protein-ligandbinding, the ligand is usually a molecule which produces a signal by binding to a site on a target protein.
Receptor mediated endocytosis is an endocytotic mechanism in which specific molecules are ingested into the cell. The specificity results from a receptor-ligand interaction. Receptors on the plasma membrane of the target tissue will specifically bind to ligands on the outside of the cell. An endocytotic process occurs and the ligand is ingested.
A very well studied example of receptor mediated endocytosis involves the metabolism of cholesterol.
Ferritin is an intracellular protein storing iron. It is found in hemoglobin that aids in metabolism function. Meanwhile, glycogen is a carbohydrate consist of glucose which can be hydrolyzed if needed. The answer then is that both ferritin and glycogen functions by storing the materials needed by an organism like humans.
C. Is the answer love....
Borders are still guarded zealously and fought for - via wars when required and when not required in equal measure. I see nations fighting
over water that preciously scarce resource of the future. I see that terrorists still abound - the Osama Bin Laden types still roam the Earth terrorizing countries and peoples with newer weapons and newer methods of instilling terror. I see that the United States is no longer the sole superpower of the world -- the most powerful country on Earth. I see the most powerful countries dominating the world as being China, India, Brazil and Russia in that order. I see that China and India have become the equivalent of the US and the erstwhile Soviet Union - fighting another Cold War between them and competing for resources and influence around the world.