Las enfermedades mentales, también llamadas trastornos de salud mental, se refieren a una amplia gama de condiciones de salud mental, trastornos que afectan el estado de ánimo, el pensamiento y el comportamiento. Los ejemplos de enfermedades mentales incluyen depresión, trastornos de ansiedad, esquizofrenia, trastornos alimentarios y comportamientos adictivos.J
D: all of the above, getting more physically active, eating at home, and knowing what goes in your body helps long term weight loss.
Osteoporosis is a medical condition where the bones become bery brittle and easy to break so it is best that as soon as you are diagnosed with this disease find a diet that includes a lot calcium and vitamin d to somewhat strengthen the bones and keep them healthy to the best extent that you can
I am probably wrong but id say all of the above