Taste aversion to sweet-tasting water.
Conditioning learning is an style of learning where a conditioned stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus and they produce a conditioned behavioral response.
In this learning, at first, the <u>unconditioned stimulus produces the unconditional response (</u>and this means that a stimulus produces a response in a natural way), <u>then the unconditioned stimulus is paired with the conditioned stimulus that does not produce the response on its own </u>but once it's paired with the unconditioned stimulus and <u>after some repetitions, the response is produce in presence of the unconditioned stimulus and it is called now conditioned response.</u>
In this case, the drug would be the unconditioned stimulus that produces the response of getting ill (by itself), this response it's the unconditioned response. However, John Garcia paired this stimulus with the sweet-tasting-water (conditioned stimulus) and now the rats have an aversion to this type of water.
This aversion would be the Conditioned response since it was not originally present in presence of the water but it was paired with it after some repetitions and by the fact that it made the rats ill.
Martin Luther King participated in the boycott. it was a campaign of social protest and it was a very important event in the civil rights movement.
The results/scores of the students on the tests.
The dependent variables represent the output or outcome whose variation is being studied, in this case the results are being studied when the independent variable (the order of the questions) changes.
When interest rates on borrowed money are lower, it becomes cheaper for individuals to borrow money, as they must pay less additional money as interest. Thus, they tend to borrow more money and use it to purchase more things. The opposite occurs when interest rates increase.
When interest rates on invested money are lower, people make less return off of their investments, so they tend to invest less. Again, the opposite occurs when interest rates increase.
<span>One example could be the Christmas tree. The idea of a tree used to celebrate the Christmas season was brought to the US from Germany and Bavarian culture. These were not traditions that were native to our country; they were brought here by our ancestors.</span>