They are safe and unsafe at the same time
The person who gets the drug at the pharmacy is controlled but the person who has it can give it to anyone. This is a problem because prescription drugs are safe for that one specific person but if anyone else takes it can be deadly for them.
Answer: Concrete operational stage
Explanation: Concrete operational stage is the third stage of Piaget’s theory, that deals with cognitive development of a child. Concrete operational stage comes after the preoperational stage, which occurs between 7-10 years of age. Optimum use of logic is usually seen during this period.
However, the ability to view things from another individual’s perspective is acquired by the child during this stage, regardless of what they think happened.
Skinny, overly skinny (I dont see the options to chosse from)
When you think of some one that it malnourished you see that they are skinny, a=and you can see there bones.
Quality of life differs from individual to individual. It may be taken as family to family to absorb slight variations in individual’s routines. Every person has a say, though there is limited freedom. There are bondages, checks and balances and responses to them in a different way create a visible quality and activity change.
I usually attribute that to the limited (or partial) free will afforded to us by the Creator. That is how He would gauge our performances and possibly clamp approvals or otherwise to every individual performance. That brings in the concept of hell and heaven (limited to those only who believe). Rest: Allah knows best.
Take away something the love and make them clean