<span>Pertains to y-intercept is then 0.</span>
It introduces the relationship between two variables and is called correlation. Proportionality or variation is state of relationship or correlation between two variables It has two types: direct variation or proportion which states both variables are positively correlation. It is when both the variables increase or decrease together. On the contrary, indirect variation or proportion indicates negative relationship or correlation. Elaborately, the opposite of what happens to direct variation. One increases with the other variables, you got it, decreases. This correlations are important to consider because you can determine and identify how two variables relates with one another. Notice x = y (direct), y=1/x (indirect)
1/3 of all=red
1/3 of all=5
3/3 of all=all=1/3 times 3/1=5 times 3/1=15
15 total
Let's see what you can do with parallel and perpendicular. In other words, the slopes of parallel lines are equal. Note that two lines are parallel if their slopes are equal and they have different y-intercepts. In other words, perpendicular slopes are negative reciprocals of each other