Although the overall federal tax<span>system is </span>progressive<span>, with total </span>federal tax<span> burdens a larger percentage of </span>incomefor higher-income<span> households than for lower-</span>income<span> households, not all </span>taxes<span> within the </span>federal<span> system are equally </span>progressive<span>.
Answer: Mutual Authentication.
Mutual Authentication also referred to as "two way authentication" is a process/technology by which two entities authenticates each other mutually in a link of communication. Here, server and client authentication are combined that is the client authenticates the server and the server authenticates the client. Client trusts the digital certificate of the server and in turn, server trusts the certificate of the client. Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is a means by which exchange of certificate is carried out. The certificate with the current timestamp is used to authenticate the client to the server if the client has more than one certificate.
Answer: A. Persian Wheel
A Persian wheel would be best because it is able to satisfy the demands of individual users as opposed to groups. A Persian wheel uses a single well to draw water so would be able to supply a person or people in a deserted area by drawing from individual wells.
Canals and dams on the other hand are best for areas with a lot of people as they would all benefit from the canal supplying multiple farms which would offset the cost of building it in the first place. Building a canal to a single farm is not feasible if it was to supply a single farm.
Malala lived in the Swat Valley, which was taken over by the Taliban. Using a blog was a good way for her to let people all over the world know that she disagreed with the Taliban's view of girls' education. Even though she lived in a small and faraway city, the blog gave her a huge audience that she could reach at the click of a button
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