The body utilizes excess amino acids as fuel or stores them as fat
An athlete eats huge quantities of meat in an attempt to develop extra muscle tissue, Amino acid residues are converted to fuel by the body or retained as fat. The addition of extra protein or amino acid supplements to a healthy diet will promote muscle building for the majority of exercisers.
The body's protein needs do increase when actively building muscle. Athletes, and people who want to build muscle, need to increase their protein intake, If you have too much protein it may lead to increased levels of body fat, It is best to distribute the protein you are eating to support the muscle building process.
Internal pressures are:
1. Addictive tendencies
2. The need to feel pleasure
3. Genetic factors.
External Pressures:
1. Celebrity role models
2. Perception of drug use as a norm
The tendency for one to exhibit or imbibe certain attitude or behaviours could be caused by two major factors, namely:
A. Internal pressure: these include factors that is emanates from within the individual. The tendencies are from within and internal. Examples of internal pressures are:
1. Addictive tendencies
2. The need to feel pleasure
3. Genetic factors.
All these could act as internal pressure that might have an impact in an individual engaging or imbibing a particular behaviour.
B. External pressures: these come from the external environment of the individual, which influences the behavior of an individual. These include factors such as:
1. Celebrity role models
2. Perception of drug use as a norm
Nothing unless there is a rule about it.
If you really want to, you could nag him to go get some exercise.